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特别的礼物英语小学生作文 篇1

I have received many gifts from my parents and from my classmates......A gift that I could not forget for a long time; a gift from my uncle.

My uncle is doing business in Shanghai all the year round. He seldom comes back. He only got a little time to come back and see my grandpa and grandma on the Lunar New Year's day.So I could hardly see him.I remember a new year, uncle came back, looks more vicissitudes than in previous years.He squatted down slowly, stroking my head, and asked me softly, "how did you do in the exam?"How's your health?How about going to Shanghai?"Always use some warm words to understand my situation, so that I feel more warm.

2004 summer vacation, my uncle bought a new house in Shanghai, years of toil and trouble, and finally had its own habitat.I was lucky enough to visit my uncle in Shanghai.During that time, I grew a lot of experience.Just, I was watching TV with my sister, for remote quarreled, both sides were quarrelling when not resigned to playing second fiddle, the uncle came to my sister and I, in a calm mood to speak the truth: "you must learn to each other; as the saying goes," a more tolerant, a little quarrel......"The two of us stopped fighting".At that time, I was very ashamed, thank uncle for me to enlighten, so that I know a lot of things to do things.

On my uncle's holiday, I happened to meet my seven birthday.One day before my birthday, my uncle got up early and visited the shopping mall. He brought me an exquisite and beautiful schoolbag.That's what I've been dreaming of, and I've been miserable about that old and small schoolbag.My uncle pulled me aside and said to me, "study hard and come to Shanghai."."My uncle's words have been encouraging me to keep improving.

Last year my uncle was taken away from me by a heartless disease.My uncle's schoolbag that I bought that year was still with me, and it deeply contained my uncle's care and instruction for me.His kindly face and strong body remain in my heart forever.

Every time I see the bag in front of my desk, I think of my uncle who was doing business in Shanghai.

特别的礼物英语小学生作文 篇2

Not too long ago, I just celebrated my eleven-year-old birthday. I had a great time on that day. I received lots of gifts. All of them were my favorite, such as, lovely school bag, Grimm's Fairy Tales, fluffy teddy bear and delicious snacks. But my father gave me special present. It was a book named Stray Birds. I never heard of it. And it seemed not as interesting as my Grimm's Fairy Tales. My father told me that I would like it soon. It was such a special gift. I think I will love this special book.



however, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. she thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of milk. he drank it slowly, and then asked, how much do i owe you?


you dont owe me anything, she replied. mother has taught me never to accept pay for a kindness. he said, then i thank you from the bottom of my heart. as howard kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but it also increased his faith in god and the human race. he was about to give up and quit before this point.




5月17日是母亲节,我要在这一天给妈妈一个惊喜!星期六,我和费宇帆、费宇帆的哥哥一起去梧桐大街的礼品店给妈妈买礼物,一下午,太阳晒在我们身上火辣辣的,可是我们还在一家一家的去找妈妈喜欢的礼品。终于在一个名叫“七彩坊”的礼品店找到了又美观 又实用的礼品送给妈妈。包礼品的彩纸和花都是我根据妈妈喜欢的颜色搭配起来的,一定非常温馨。


晚上,我想着妈妈打开礼物那惊喜的.表情;想着明天的母亲节应该和妈妈咋过;想着 妈妈以后每次喝水拿着我送给她的杯子喝水的 样子……想着、想着,我带着对明天的向往,甜甜地睡着了。