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春节大扫除四年级日记400字 篇1


妈妈给我分了工。让我打扫我的房间。我爽快地答应了。 走到自己房间里一看,真乱呀!我先收拾床铺,整理书桌。然后,我拿起扫把,开始扫地。照着妈妈的样子认认真真的扫起来。扫完之后,又拖地。大扫除真累呀!用了一个小时多,才把我的小房间打扫干净。 干完之后,我兴高采烈地喊:“妈妈,快来看,我扫完房间了!”妈妈过来了,我以为妈妈一定会表扬我。谁知道她却不满意。说我没擦桌凳,还有好几个地方都没扫。听了妈妈的话,我仔细打量了一下,果然有一些地方没扫干净。

刚才怎么没看到呢?于是,我又一次拿起了笤帚扫起来。这次我不放过任何地方,把那些小垃圾都清理出来了。 底下的垃圾用扫把够不着,我就那拿来拖把,把拖把轻轻地伸到床底下,边往外拖垃圾,一边嘟囔:“看你们往哪里跑!”这次,那些小垃,听到命令似的从床底下跑出来了。



春节大扫除四年级日记400字 篇2






In the northern part of our country, the custom of eating jiaozi in the New Year is to take the meaning of "being older." In the south, there is the habit of eating rice cakes and glutinous rice dumplings, which indicates that the group is round and has a high life pace. On the holiday, we also come to bag dumplings and taste this year.

In the morning, my mother and I came to the small vegetable farm, and purchased the ingredients of wrappers, mushrooms, carrots, duck eggs and pork, and returned home to prepare the stuffing. I worked as an assistant to my mother. We sliced the pork and chopped the mushrooms into small pieces. Then we put the carrots together and put them together. We put the sauce, the salt, the MSG and other condiments on it, and finally laid an egg. I find it strange that my mother stirred the stuffing and said that the filling was not easy to break in case the egg had been solidified in case the egg had been broken. Oh, I suddenly realize, it seems that everything is learned!

Set the plate and put the gauze on it, and I can't wait to pick up the skin and begin to wrap it. According to the mother, the middle edge is pressed, and then the two sides to the middle, ah, the filling will not listen to the leak out, there is no way, I have to leave this mess to my mother to repair. To pick up the one, I took the less filling is put in the middle of the skin, can be folded in half and carefully a pinch here, a pressure there, ha ha, finally wrapped, can put the tray which, like a drunken man, stand. Mother said, "yes, yes, great progress." I listened, and my heart felt as if it had been nectar. One after another, one more than one. One is more stable than one. Later, I also wrapped up the shape of the gold, baozi, even the crown shape. Haha, that's my invention.

To make the dumplings, my mother asked me to come. I put the fire in the pan and put some water in the pan. When the water boiled away, the dumplings could be cooked. Wait for the water to roll, pour cold water, so repeatedly water three times, waiting for dumplings to come up, can taste. After a while, the white dumplings rolled up and down in the pan, lovely. I was so happy that I cried, "yum, yum!" Bite down, ah, sweet and fresh, the taste is wonderful.





