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旅游的四年级作文 篇1






旅游的四年级作文 篇2

七月二十五号一大早我们就起床了,爸爸妈妈带我去云南的丽江玩。我们坐了三个小时的飞机到了云南的丽江。丽江山水秀丽,气候宜人,很适合居住,那里树木也很多,所以空气很清新,虽然是夏天,但是那里只有二十几度的气温,很凉爽。但是我发现那里几乎家家都养狗。我们走啊走, 走啊走,终于走到了我们预定的旅馆。旅馆的房间很大,很舒服,我们很满意。我们再看了一下周围,附近没有店,很安静。晚上我们去吃饭、逛街,还吃了丽江的特产三文鱼,妈妈说其实那是虹鳟鱼,虹鳟鱼是丽江的特产。





would you like to see a sky bluer than blue and a sea greener than greenif you have been looking for a wonderful place to travel in in chinahainan would be the best place. location & topography

an island of southern china in the south china sea, separated from leizhou peninsula by qiongzhou strait, which includes hainan, xisha, nansha, zhongsha islands. it faces viet nam on the west, hongkong and taiwan on the east. southeast is philippines, south reaches to malaysia, indonesia and singapore. the geographical position is extremely superior. it covers 34,000 sq. meters. land area 33,900 sq. km, sea area 2.1million sq. km. the total coastline is about 1,529 km.


the hainan province climate is the tropical monsoon climate and the tropical oceanic climate. its always high temperature and wet, dry and rainy seasons are distinct. there are more tropical storms and typhoon in summer. the average temperature very year is 22-26℃, in january-february average temperature is 16-24℃ and in july-august the average temperature is 25-29℃. its like spring all the year round. place of interests

sanyasanya is the southernmost city in china. its either an international shore tourist city, or an important foreign trade port in hainan province. living by the sea, playing seawater,eatingseafood, all of these show the feature of this shore tourist city to the full. white beach, clear seawater, colorful underwater world, make sanya into the best place for sunbathe, diving, sailing and beach sports etc. yalong bay.

yalong bay national tourism resort is the sanyas premier destination. it centers on a crescent-shaped beach of about 7,000m. the sea off the beach is so clear that visibility can reach almost 8 meters, making it ideal for divers attracted to the nearby coral reef.

the end of the earth

the end of the earth, named tianya haijiao in chinese, means the edge of the sky and

the end of the sea, the typical sight spot in sanya, is located at the foot of xiama hill in the town of tianya, 24 km west of sanya. its famous for three big rocks-tianya, haijiao and column south. this cape is hugely popular with chinese tourists who flock here to be photographed in front of the huge rock - column south which is featured on chinas 2-yuan banknote. the perfect harmonization of natural creation, with bleached white sands, turquoise seas, deep blue skies and verdant hills, you will find them here. there is a landscaped park, gardens, parking and shopping facilities at the gate. you can buy various handicrafts, coral and seashells here. conclusionnow or never!

copyright belong to aaron black,1001




